Wednesday, October 23, 2013

You've Got A Friend In Me...

So I'm pretty sure I could waste my life away on BuzzFeed. I'm not even going to say how much time I spent on there a few weeks ago when I came across this shared list about best friends. I loved it, obviously, but it got me thinking about BFFs....or at least best girl friends. I love my husband, and of course he's my best friend, but it's just not the same as having a fellow female with whom to gossip, swap clothes (okay fine, I wear Dan's clothes, but I draw the line at him wearing mine), or even complain about how I painted the kitchen yellow but it's just not quite the right yellow, you know?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

cobwebs, leaves and potions, oh my!

I used to love the day when our mom would have us bring up the bins from the basement with the season's decorations. We obviously had the most for winter and Christmas, but there was still a large spread for Halloween and Thanksgiving, for Easter, even Valentine's Day and the Fourth of July had their own bins. In the five years since Dan and I have lived in our own house, I have slowly started filling my own bins. I still feel the same excitement carrying them up from our basement to transform our home for the holidays...whatever the holiday may be.