Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Life's List

The other day I was organizing the basement (because I'm lame), and while going through a box of old things I came across a bucket list that I must've written around sixth grade. The cursive is exquisite, I lined up to the margins like a pro, AND there's even some long division scribbled at the top.
It gave me pause not only because I had completely forgotten I ever wrote it, but also because I had created an entirely different list about three years ago. Fifteen years can make us change a lot of our expectations :: #23 from sixth grade is, "stay drug free" (whoo-hoo!), while the new #23 is, "participate in a protest". While I don't think many, if any, of the items overlapped, it was fun to see what I have accomplished, what seems so trivial now, and what work I have yet to do.

I'll be honest, I've rocked the hell out of some of that sixth grade list:
  • Visit three foreign countries (aim big, Ash...)
  • Complete four years of college
  • Learn calligraphy better
  • Have a cat (and she's a gorgeous, lazy pile who knows no bounds of a litter box)
  • Run a half marathon 
  • See a Broadway show
  • I mean, that cursive...
  • Learn to paint my right hand fingernails as well as my left (you can't make this stuff up, Folks)
But on some goals I fell short:
  • Collect all the Beanie Babies (damn!)
  • Be in a Broadway show
  • Go to the University of Wisconsin (say wha??)
  • Memorize all the countries
  • Sail the Atlantic
  • I mean, there's more but I'll keep them to myself
I share this because I think goals are constantly evolving. If they're not, they should be. And there shouldn't be an end to the list, because we're never done. My newer list may have things like "coach a team", "give a public speech", "research my family tree" and "be a part of a documentary", but it lacks elements from my younger list that everyone should have. 

My tween self knew enough to know that it will be important to "maintain old friendships", "stand up for what is right" and "be happy". But I also listed a couple items that I think shape who I am today. I wanted to learn how to cook and "make art", to teach others important lessons, and to have one child (nailed it!). Lately I spend my days cooking and crafting (that's art, right?), sometimes teaching at school but usually teaching my beautiful son everything from how to say please ("EEEEEAASE!") to how to properly eat a Popsicle.

I end with this :: Another piece of paper in that old box in the basement said, "I’m a good writer. At least people tell me I am so I hope I am. I write to untie the knots that my mind loops. Someday, I’m going to write a book...or at least a blog." Well, I couldn't figure out when I wrote that, but here we are. Let's cross it off the list. And since it took me, like, three hours to figure out how to set this thing up, I'm also going to check off sixth grade list #30 too; "learn how to use the world wide web". 

Want to follow along with me as I fumble through life's list?


  1. As I take this moment to make the first official comment to a clever blog, I ponder about the beautiful redhead little girl I knew as Ashley Kelly. Feisty yet quiet, she is the little wonder I took to Disney World after an amazing Bahamas cruise where she got that gorgeous red hair all twisted into a crazy style for a special formal night just to get seasick during a particular "wavy" night at sea. The special girl who would run away with her Uncle Tom and Auntie Pat when we visited her family in Colorado Springs. The wonderful young lady who took us on a awesome tour of Norte Dame when we were "just passing through" to another destination. The same lass we were honored to watch graduate from that college and helped to celebrate her success. She was even more lovely as the blushing bride while she accepted Dan Schwartz as her husband and partner for life. Her Uncle and I had a difficult time keeping up with her that day trying to capture those precious moments on video. Ashley, the glowing woman I ran into at the fair just to have her announce the glorious news of a new baby expected to arrive sometime in February the following year. And Ashley, the young lass turned Mother who delights all with her musings of that little critter she and Dan named Hank. I had simply forgotten the true writing talent Ashley Schwartz possesses. This blog will, if nothing else, serve to amuse and entertain all who take a moment to read. Now Ashley, do this...make certain you retain each and very one of the words you put forth in this blog as they will surely be the basis of a book that will most definitely bring you success. Love you to pieces...

    1. Patti almost just made me cry during my quick "timeout" at work that I took to rest my brain and read your blog.

  2. This made me laugh and cry. I adore you.

    University of Wisconsin?! :)
