Tuesday, November 26, 2013

It's Nothing to Brag About

I've learned a hard lesson this month. Never, ever, ever (even inadvertently) brag about your kid on the internet. A couple posts ago I wrote about how Henry is a great sleeper. Ever since then, he has either refused to go to bed without a fight, or has woken up 17 times every night. And each time he chants, "MOM, MOM, MOM, MOM...." until I want to go sleep outside by the inflatable turkey (because, yeah, he's still afraid of it so I know he'd leave me alone). It's like he sensed that I was talking him up online and decided there was no room for THAT in our lives. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

It's the Most Spendiest Time of the Year

Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away. That means we have around forty days left to shop for the holidays. I always have mixed feelings about Christmas shopping. Some years I'm all about it, and other years I get all bitter and just want it to be over. Either way, I feel like I've personified each of these types of holiday shoppers at some point:

Monday, November 11, 2013

10 Things I Hate (And Love) About You

Dear Henry,

You're adorable. And funny. And smart. But you can drive me crazy ten ways to Sunday. I love you more than anything, but there are some things about you that we need to work on together: