Tuesday, August 27, 2013

You Better Be Sticking the Landing Up There...

So did I ever tell you that I thought our house was haunted after Henry was born? Totally.
I'd be laying on the couch cuddling my ginormous newborn and our dog, Jordan, would be out cold at my feet on her dog bed when all of sudden she would spring up and start growling towards the dining room with all the hair on the back of her neck standing straight up. I wouldn't be able to go investigate because I was trapped under a sleeping baby, but I think it's safe to say that I was the only person in the house, so what could she be freaking out about? 

This would happen at least once a day. Eventually I started noticing that our cat, Duckie, was acting weird too. She would slink through rooms, bat her paws at nothing or make that terrible cat-moaning noise in the direction of shadows. But the kicker was that stupid baby monitor. Now, I know those things can pick up frequencies from similar monitors if they're set to the same channels, but since ours goes on the fritz when it's even four rooms away from home base I know it's unlikely that I'm able to spy on our neighbors with that gizmo (plus, we were the only ones on our block with a baby home during the day). So on the morning that I was about to rip my own ears off because Henry wouldn't stop crying up in his room and suddenly I hear through the monitor, "Shhh! It's okay baby!" and then Henry went silent, I about wet myself. Or the mornings I'd be playing with Henry on the living room floor and then notice the monitor was on.....because it's little red lights were going crazy picking up sounds from a room upstairs that was supposed to be empty. CREEPY.

As he got older, I would still feel my heart skip when I would hear noises in the house. Lately, however, I'm giving up the haunted notion (mostly because it scares the crap outta me), and have realized that a lot of the noises are often just Henry. I have no idea what that kid is doing when we put him to sleep for the night or for a nap, but good Lord can the walls shake. The mirror on the wall in our bedroom rattles. My fine china clanks in its cupboard. I mean, it has sounded like claps of thunder in here on occasion. 

When that kid is in his crib, I don't know what the hell is going on in there but I imagine it's got to look something like the Olympic gymnastics trials. It makes me kind of wish we had one of those baby monitors that takes video so that I could see what he does because I imagine it's similar to the kid in this video (thanks "Auntie" Mari). But then again, a video monitor might shed some light on what has caused all the other noises and oddities during the last year or so in our house and I don't think I want to know. I'll just leave that one alone and laugh at this kid instead:

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